Helianthus annuus originated in Peru being used by the Native Americans more than 5,000 years, Spanish explorers introduced them to Europe
adrenal atrophy; alkalising; anemia pregnancy; anti-cancer; anti-inflammatory; antioxidant; arginine; arthritis; asthma inhibit; atherosclerosis inhibit; ADD; AIDS; bactericidal; blood build/cholesterol lower-oxidation protectorant/circulation detoxify-cleanse-pressure lower; bone build-develop/health-pain-repair-strength; breast fibrocystic; bronchitis; calcium; cancer inhibit cell growth-colon ; cataract inhibit; cell damage inhibit; cerebral palsy; chlorophyll; choline; chromium; cobalt; coffee substitute; colds chesty; copper; cough; cystitis; depression; detoxify via salivary glands; diabetes; diuretic; DNA repair-synthesis; eczema; edema; energiser; estrogenic mild; expectorant; eye sight-strength; facial scrub; fatigue; fever; free radicals neutralise; fungicidal; gall disorder-stones; gastroenteritis; hair growth; health maintenance; heart attack-disease inhibit/disorder; hormone balance; immune detoxify; iodine; iron; joint pain; kidney inflamed; leukemia; lignans; lymphatic stimulant; magnesium; malaria; manganese; menopausal hot flushes; migraine inhibit; molybdenum; multiple sclerosis; muscle relaxant-tone; nail stimulant-strength; nerve calm-system tone; neurophysiologic disorder; nutritive; omega-3-6 fatty acids; osteoarthritis; phosphorus; potassium; protein; rheumatism; rheumatoid arthritis; salivary stimulant; selenium; skin disease fungal-health-repair-stimulant; sodium; stamina; stroke inhibit; teeth strength; testosterone produce; thrombosis; tonic; vascular tonic; vitamins A; B1; B2; B3; B5; B6; B9; B12; C; D; E; F; K; wellbeing-feeling of; whooping cough; winter ills; zinc
Cautions of use
Sunflower seeds are not regarded as an allergenic food and are not known to contain measurable amounts of oxalates or purines.
Applied Use
● dry roasted-crushed seed as coffee substitute ● as detoxifier-swill 2 tbsp. cold compressed oil in mouth 15-20 minutes before spitting out-thoroughly rinse-brush teeth-tongue-repeat process several times weekly without detrimental effect to detoxify circulatory system via salivary glands-improves feeling of wellbeing ● with honey against winter ills ● flower-leaf tea for edema-malaria ● soak seed overnight-rinse before sprouting ● sprouted seed is much richer in vitamins than fresh-B vitamins can multiply over 100% when sprouted ● seed-oil in salad-cooking ● 2 tbsp. recommended daily ● oil for bone-joint pain/skin health-inflammation
sprouted sunflower seeds are great in salad… even people who are ‘sprout-phobic’ tend to like them.. great with avocado and cress..