Citrus paradisi is a subtropical evergreen tree native to Barbados created by the accidental crossing of two other citrus
acidity; acne; adrenal atrophy; alkalising; amino acids; anti-cancer; anti-cholesterol; anti-depressant; anti-fungal; anti-inflammatory; antioxidant; antiviral; appetite regulate-suppress; arteriosclerosis; arthritis uratic; asthma; atherosclerosis; athletic recovery; bloating; blood circulation-cleanse-clots inhibit/cholesterol-pressure-triglycerides lower; bowel action; brain stimulant; breast fibrocystic; calcium; cancer pancreas-stomach/prostate-inhibit/inhibit colon-lung-protectorant; carbohydrates; cellulite; cirrhosis; colds; confidence; constipation; cooling; copper; depurative; detoxify; diabetic food; diarrhea inhibit; dietary fibre; digestive cleanse-disease infection inhibit-stimulant; diuretic; DNA health; dysentery inhibit; eczema; edema; enteritis inhibit; fatigue; fever; gall disease-stones; gout; hair growth; hangover; headache; health maintenance; heart attack inhibit-disease-failure-health; herpes simplex; immune stimulant-strength; infection; influenza; inhalant; intestinal health; iron absorption; kidney cleanse-stones; lignans; liver detoxify-disorder; lupus; lymph stimulant; magnesium; malaria; manganese; massage; metabolic stimulant; muscles stiff after exercise; nerve exhaustion-system balance; nutritive; obesity; osteoarthritis; pectin; phosphorus; potassium; respiratory disorder-strength; rheumatoid arthritis; scalp oily; skin complexion-disorder-exfoliate-oily-pores congested; stroke inhibit; tonic; tumor inhibit-shrink; typhus inhibit; urinary cleanse; vascular protectorant; vermifuge; vitamins A; B1; B9; C; weight loss; zinc
Cautions of Use
● essential oil should never be taken internally-with bipolar disorder/avoid getting in eyes ● can react with medications increasing toxic side effects-heed professional advice before using medicinally with any drugs ● known to interact with statins
Applied Use
● pith-membrane lowers blood cholesterol ● drink juice for skin disorder ● essential oil as massage for depression-to stimulate immune system especially when suffering from infection-add to carrier oil for headache-does not have negative effect to skin when in sun ● increases iron absorption when eaten with iron rich foods ● essential oil as inhalant-massage rub for stiffness after exercise-in oil burner ● pure oil on herpes sores ● drink fresh juice in morning on empty stomach 5 days weekly for a month to suppress appetite-aid weight loss diet ● best eaten fresh ● properties as lemon-lime-orange
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