Camellia sinensis Southeast Asian native. The Chinese people were aware of medical benefits of green tea more than 4,700 years ago. In regions with dubious drinking water tea has been drunk.

age spots; alcohol-counteract liver damage; anti-aging; anti-angiogenic; anti-arthritic; antibacterial; antibiotic; anti-cancer; anti-diabetic; anti-inflammatory; antioxidant; anti-proliferative; anti-tumor; anxiety; asthma allergy; astringent; atherosclerosis inhibit; bites; bleeding; blood cholesterol lower-oxidation protectorant/circulation-health/clots abnormal inhibit/pressure balance-lower/sugar balance; brain circulation-function-health; burns pain; caffeine; cancer inhibit cell growth-breast-esophagus-prostate; cartilage health; colds; concentration; Crohn’s disease; decongestant; dental bacteria-plaque inhibit/decay-health; depression; detoxify; diarrhea; digestive; diuretic; DNA repair; dysentery; energiser; eyes irritated-sore; fat oxidation increase; flatulence; fluoride; gastroenteritis; genital warts; groin inflamed; hair growth; headache; heart attack-disease inhibit/disorder-health; hemachromatosis; hepatitis; hernia hiatus; immune stimulant-strength; immunogenic; infection; influenza; intestinal lubricant; iron chelator; keloids; lignans; liver protectorant; lupus; magnesium; male pattern baldness; manganese; memory loss; menopause; metabolic stimulant; mood enhance; potassium; quercetin; rheumatoid arthritis; skin itch; stamina; stimulant; stress; stroke inhibit; teeth clean-strength; temperature balance; thirst quench; thrombosis; vitamins B9; K; weight loss; zinc

Cautions of Use

● consumption can interfere with some drugs for asthma-gout/some sedatives-antibiotics ● can inhibit iron absorption-especially in nursing infants ● excess can cause constipation-indigestion-insomnia-palpitations-restlessness-vertigo ● to reduce caffeine pour water over leaf-leave 30 seconds-strain-re steep/suggested method to brew when pregnant

Applied Use

made from the tips-shoots-said to be more beneficial medicinally than black varieties cooled tea bags placed over eyes when irritated-sore/on bites tea as poultice-mouth rinse after meals for dental health/2-3 cups daily as energiser inhibits memory loss ● extract is potent iron chelator-take 4-10 capsules with 300mg active polyphenols per capsule for hemachromatosis ● diluted as wash for keloids ● drink several cups daily for male pattern baldness
