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Allium sativum is closely related to many species including chives, leek, onion, shallot; with a human history spanning over 7,000 years through Central Asia, the Mediterranean, Africa and Europe used medicinally and for culinary uses.


acne; adaptogen; adenoid disorder; adrenal atrophy-health; alkalising; allergy; alterative; andropause; anemia pregnancy/sickle-cell; anorexia; antacid; anti-aging; anti-asthma; antibacterial; antibiotic broad spectrum; anti-cancer; anti-cholesterol; anti-coagulant; anti-diabetic; anti-fungal; anti-histaminic; anti-inflammatory; antimicrobial; antioxidant; anti-parasitic; anti-protozoan; antiseptic; antispasmodic; anti-tumor; antiviral; aphrodisiac; appetite stimulant; arginine; arteriosclerosis; arthritis; aspirin effect; asthma allergy; atherosclerosis inhibit; athlete’s foot; AIDS; back pain; bites; bladder cleanse-disorder-infection; blister; blood build-cell stimulant white-circulation-tonic/cleanse-formation-poisoning/pressure balance-lower/serum cholesterol-sugar lower/stagnation-tonic; boils; bowel disorder-stimulant; brain tissue inflamed; breathing ease; bronchitis; bruise; burns; calcium; cancer colon-digestive-esophagus-intestinal-lymphatic-stomach-prostate-protectorant/inhibit colon-ovarian-prostate; carbohydrates; carbuncles; cataract; catarrh; cell cleanse-damage inhibit-detoxify-food-growth-oxygenate-rejuvenate; chest rub; chilblains unbroken; children disorders; chlamydia inhibit; chlorine; chromium; colds inhibit; colitis; constipation; copper; corns; cough children; cuts; cystitis; cysts; dandruff; decongestant; dental abscess; detoxify heavy metals-radiation; diabetic heart disease; diaphoretic; diarrhea chronic; dietary fibre; digestive cleanse-disorder-stimulant; disease contagious inhibit; disinfectant; diuretic; dysentery amebic-chronic; dyspepsia; ear ache-children/infection-inflamed; edema; emollient; energiser; erectile dysfunction; E. coli; estrogenic mild; exhaustion; expectorant; eye tears wash epithelial layer of; fatigue; feet perspiration excess; female disorders; fever; flatulence; food poisoning; free radicals neutralise; fungal infection; gall disorder-stimulant; gastric infection-system; germanium; germicidal; glands cleanse-stimulate; goitre; gonorrhea; gout; growths; gum contraction; hair growth; hay fever; headache; heart attack inhibit-recovery/contractions/disease-inhibit/disorder-strength-tonic; helicobacter pylori bacteria; herpes simplex; hoarseness; Huntington’s disease; immune balance-stimulant; impetigo; impotence male; incontinence; influenza inhibit; inhalant; insomnia; intestine cleanse-flora; inulin; invalid diet; iodine; iron; jock itch; joint disorder-pain; keloids; kidney cleanse-disorder-function-stones-strength; laxative; leaky gut syndrome; leprosy; libido; lignans; liver disease-disorder-function; lumbago; lung congestion-disorder-infection-strength; Lyme disease; lymph cleanse-stimulant-tonic; magnesium; manganese; measles; meningitis; menopausal symptoms; mental fatigue inhibit; metabolic stimulant; mumps; muscle lubricant-relax-sprain; nail health; nerve disorder-rejuvenate-system stimulant-strength; nervine; nickel; omega-6 fatty acids; oxygenator; pancreas stimulant; pelvic inflammation; penicillin action; perineum heal; pharyngitis; phosphorus; piles; planter’s wart; pneumonia; poisons ingested antidote; potassium; protein; quercetin; Raynaud’s syndrome; repel insects-mosquito-moths; reproductive organ stimulant; respiratory disinfectant-disorder-infection-stimulant; rheumatism; rhinitis; salivary stimulant; scabies; scalds; sciatica; scurvy; selenium; serotonin; silica; silicon; sinus inflamed; skin cracked-disease-disorder-eruptions-hard-infection; sodium; spermatorrhea; spleen enlarged; stamina; stimulant; stings; stomach ache-infection-nervous-upset; stomachic; sulphur; throat sore; thrombosis; thrush oral; thumb sucking; tissue rejuvenate-stimulant; tonic; tonsillitis; toothache; tuberculosis; typhoid; ulcer; urethritis; urine bloody-gravel-infection; vasodilator; vermifuge; vitamins A; B1; B2; B3; B6; B9; C; E; warming; warts; weight management-loss; whooping cough; worms ring; wounds infected; zinc

Cautions of Use

avoid when lactating-before surgery/with gall-liver-pancreas-bile duct disorders heed professional advice if on blood thinning drugs & use garlic regularly-if administering to children under 12-with purpura/fresh on skin may cause dermatitis can cause irritation if taken raw on empty stomach if too hot for constitution-use with milk-capsule form ● cooking may destroy medicinal benefits ● excess can cause digestive upset ● cloves need to be treated before keeping in oil to avoid botulism illness

Applied Use

place in socks to inhibit colds-influenza syrup-oil for respiratory-digestive disorder consumable in many ways-as tea warm oil for earache-as chest rub inhalant chop several cloves-a spoon of vinegar-stir into 2 cups boiled water-inhale vapour with towel over head tonic tsp. each vinegar-honey-olive oil to each clove-consume first thing in morning-try once weekly-gradually increase crush fresh leaf for bites steep peeled-sliced clove 10 minutes in 1 cup warm milk-strain-drink daily several months for foot perspiration-before meals for colds-digestion-flatulence oil macerate same amount cloves as olive oil several weeks-cover with muslin-agitate regularly-use in cooking-medicinally best used raw-fresh consume regularly-can aid-inhibit many medical disorders-reduce need for taking pharmaceutical antibiotics with honey for children’s earache-drops inserted 2-3 cloves can be taken daily has relatively few compounds before bulb is cut vinegar fill jar with crushed clove-bring vinegar to boil-pour over leaving to stand a week-strain-repeat process with fresh garlic-when strong enough strain-bottle-helps clear pimples fresh juice on boils lotion crush clove into jar-add equal parts vodka-water-leave 3 days-strain-use with cotton ball on scalp for dandruff-hair growth ● oil compress for tonsillitis ● poultice on overnight for warts ● marinate several chopped clove in honey few hours-give tsp. of liquid every 2-3 hours for children’s cough-1 tsp. 4 hourly for whooping cough poultice on chest for whooping cough-leave only short time to avoid blistering ● steep clove in boiled water overnight-drink first in morning to expel worms ● pound 4 cloves to paste-squeeze juice-add honey-sip slowly for adenoids ● sitz bath to heal perineum ● crush clove with honey-take thrice daily for impetigo ● apply crushed on keloids ● chive seed for kidney-liver-digestive disorders-lowers blood cholesterol with regular consumption

