BEETROOT Beta vulgaris has been cultivated for about 4,000 years. Considered to be a panacea for just about all ills, certainly something to be eaten every day.
acidosis; adrenal atrophy-health; alkalising; anemia children-pregnancy/sickle-cell; anti-cancer; anti-inflammatory; antioxidant; anti-tumor; aphrodisiac; appetite stimulant; arginine; arteriosclerosis; birth defects deter; blood cell regenerate-stimulant red/cholesterol-sugar lower/circulation disorder/pressure balance-lower/tonic; boils; bone health-strength; boron; bowel stimulant; calcium absorption; cancer breast-lung-skin/inhibit breast-colon-prostate; capillary health; carbohydrates; cataract inhibit; catarrh; cell growth malignant-oxygenate; chlorine; chlorophyll; cirrhosis; cobalt; colds; constipation; copper; cough; dandruff; decongestant; depression clinical; detoxify; diabetes; diarrhea; dietary fibre; digestive; diuretic; dysentery; edema; emollient; energiser; estrogenic mild; expectorant; fever eruptive; fluorine; food poisoning; gall cleanse-disorder-function-stimulant; gastritis; gout; halitosis; headache; health maintenance; heart burn-disease inhibit-disorder-health; hepatitis; immune stimulant; influenza; intestine cleanse; iodine; iron; jaundice; kidney cleanse-disorder-function; laxative; leukemia; lignans; limb pain; liver cell regeneration-detoxify-function-health; lymph health-system stimulant; macular degeneration; magnesium; manganese; measles; meningitis; menstrual cycle balance; metabolic stimulant; mood enhance; musculoskeletal health; myopia; nail strength; nausea; nerve strength; nutritive; obesity; osteoporosis protectorant; oxygenate; panacea; pectin; peristalsis strength; pH balance; phosphorus; piles; potassium; pre-eclampsia; pregnancy tonic; protein; selenium; silica; sinus; skin disorder-eruptions-health-inflamed-itch-revitalise; sodium; spleen detoxify; stroke; sulphur; tonic; toothache; tumor inhibit-intestinal; ulcer gastric; vascular health; vitamins A; B1; B2; B3; B6; B9; B17; C; E; P; vomiting; weight loss; wounds; zinc
Cautions of use
people with oxalate-containing kidney stones should limit consumption ● rather potent so start small-with other juices-gradually build up ● can cause vertigo initially which is part of initial detoxification process-it will not last-drink plenty of water ● avoid with gall-kidney disorders
Applied use
juice is a good overall tonic ● add 1 tsp. lime juice to increase medicinal value ● drink with 1 tbsp. honey before breakfast for gastric ulcer ● with carrot-cucumber juice for kidney-gall-all their disorders ● eat leaf as vegetable-like spinach ● sponge body with 3 parts beet water-1 part vinegar for fever-measles-itch ● mix juice with a little ginger-vinegar-massage scalp for dandruff ● leaf as bandage for skin cancer ● 2 tbsp. pure juice is enough to take in one day best taken diluted with other juices ● drink daily as hypotensive ● colour of urine-pink means stomach is less acid/no change-stomach is strongly acidic ● consume raw for pre-eclampsia
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