


Native to America, one of nine of a genus of flowering plants of the daisy family mostly grown in open wooded areas and prairies. It is also known as the purple coneflower.


abscess; acne; adenoid disorder; alterative; anaphylaxis inhibit; anti-allergy; antibacterial; antibiotic broad spectrum; anti-fungal; anti-hemorrhagic; anti-inflammatory; anti-microbial; antioxidant; anti-protozoan; antiscrofulous; antiseptic; antiviral; aphrodisiac; appendicitis; arthritis inflamed; assimilation poor; asthma bronchial; athlete’s foot; AIDS; bed sores; Bell’s palsy; bites; bladder infection; blood cell stimulant white-cleanse-poisoning-sugar balance; boils; brain tissue inflamed; breast fibrocystic; bronchitis; burns; cancer inhibit-lymphatic; chickenpox; children disorders; chlamydia inhibit; chronic fatigue; colds children-inhibit; conjunctivitis; copper; cuts; deodorant; detoxify; diaphoretic; diphtheria; disease contagious; diuretic; ear ache-glue-infection; eczema; eyes sticky; fever; gangrene; gargle; gastric infection; germ attack shield; gingivitis; glandular fever; goitre; gonorrhea; gout; gum infection-sore; hair follicle inflamed; hay fever; herpes genital-simplex; HIV 1 infection; immune function-stimulant-strength; impetigo; impotence; indigestion; influenza inhibit; iodine; iron; laryngitis; lupus; lymph cleanse-stimulant-tonic; malaria; measles; meningitis; mouth wash; mumps; nasal catarrh; pain; pelvic infection; pharyngitis; piles; poison antidote; potassium; prostate enlarged-inflamed; psoriasis; radiation treatment; respiratory infection upper; rheumatoid arthritis; rhinovirus; scabies; scarlet fever; sinus inflamed; skin disorder-infection-inflamed; spleen enlarged; sties; stings; sulphur; swellings; syphilis; throat disorder-sore; thrush; tissue regenerate; tonic; tonsillitis; toothache; tuberculosis; tumor cell destroy; ulcer duodenal-mouth-skin chronic; UV protectorant; urinary infection; vaginal infection; vitamins A; B; C; E; whooping cough; wounds slow healing; zinc


Cautions of Use

any feeling of nausea can be overcome by adding licorice to tea brew ● body can build immunity to good effects so best taken several weeks/breaking one ● excess can cause nausea-vertigo ● avoid when pregnant-lactating-immunocompromised-under 12 ● allergic reactions can be drowsiness/head-muscle ache/nausea-sore throat-stomach upset-vertigo ● use only 8 weeks at once ● no reported side effects-adverse reaction-toxicity when taken in correct doses

Applied Use

mouth wash for gums-toothache-powder can be used ● when taken with vitamins A & C antioxidant-tonic effect are boosted against radiation exposure ● all plant used though dried root is most powerful ● aids any infection in body ● tea steep 1 tsp. finely cut leaf in cup boiled water-add spoon of lemon juice-vinegar to assist active constituents ● decoction simmer 1 tsp. root 3-5 minutes-drink hot or cold-sip through the day ● tea for sticky eye-adenoid gargle ● some medicals suggest echinacea is best taken at onset of colds-continue for 1 week ● with burdock-yellow dock tinctures-red clover for inflamed hair follicles thrice daily/with burdock for impetigo ● 1-2gm dried root suggested 1-3 times daily
