TONIC balance-tone-strengthen overall body function:

The other day I was asked what could be taken as a tonic. A question too hard to answer in one word as there are so many plants that can be added to ones diet to benefit as tonic, always keeping in mind that not all plants medicinally are good for everyone. Caution should be used with full research. There are enough options considering seasonal availability, personal choice and of course metabolism compatibility.

abuta, acerola cherry, agrimony, alehoof, alfalfa, allspice, aloe, amaranth, anise, apricot, aquilaria, arbutus, arracacha, artichoke, asafetida, asarabacca, asparagus, aspidistra, Australian sandalwood, bael, baical skullcap, balmony, balsam of peru, bamboo leaf-tabashir, banyan, basil, bay, bayberry, bee pollen, beetroot, beggar’s tick, bergamot, betel leaf, betel pepper, bethroot, betony, bilberry, billygoat weed, bindweed, birch oil, biscuit root, bistort, bitter melon, bitter orange, bittercress, black cohosh, black cumin, black haw, blackberry, blackcurrant, bloodroot, bloodwood, blue flag, bogbean, boldo, boneset, borage, bracken, brahmi, brooklime, broomweed, buchu, buckwheat, bugleweed, butea, butterbur, butterfly pea root, cajeput, calumba, caper, caraway, cassia, cat thyme, catmint, catnip, catuaba, cedar, celeriac, celery, cha de bugre, chamomile, chervil, chestnut, chia, chickweed, chicory, chilli, Chinese angelica, Chinese keys, Chinese senna, Chinese watercress, cinchona, cinnamon, cistanche, citronella, clary sage, cleavers, cluster fig, cnidium, coastal sheoak, coconut, codonopsis, coltsfoot, comfrey, coriander, corn, cornflower, cornus-Chinese, costmary, costus root, cow cockle, crab apple, cress, cumin, curry leaf, cymbidium, damiana, dandelion, devil’s club, djashir, dragon’s blood, drumstick tree, echinacea, eclipta, endive, eucalyptus, eucommia, eyebright, false unicorn, fat hen, fennel, fenugreek, fig, fo ti, forsythia, foxglove, frankincense, fringe tree, frostwort, fumitory, galangal, garlic, geranium, germander, germanium, ginger, ginger lilly, ginkgo, ginseng, globe artichoke, goji berry, golden shower, gotu kola, grapefruit, gravel root, green couch grass, grindelia, guarana, Hawaiian baby woodrose, hawthorn, heartsease, henna, herb Robert, hibiscus, holly, holy basil, honey, horse chestnut, horseradish, horsetail, hyacinth bean, hydrangea, hyssop, Indian birthwort, Indian ginseng, Irish moss, jackfruit, Java plum, Jerusalem artichoke, job’s tears, jujube, juniper, kaffir lime, kava, kelp-other seaweed, knapweed greater, kola, kudzu, labdanum, lady’s mantle, lady’s slipper, lady’s smock, lavandin, lavender, lemon, lemon balm, lemon grass, lettuce, licorice, life leaf, lilac, lilly of the valley, lime, long pepper, maca, madhuca, magnolia, maiden hair fern, mallows, mandarin, mango unripe skin, marigold, marjoram, meadowsweet, mescal buttons, milk thistle, mint, mistletoe, mitsuba, mother of herbs, motherwort, mouse ears, mulberry, mundi, mushroom maitake-reishi-shiitake, mustaka, mustard, myrrh, myrtles, nasturtium, native centaury, native hop flower, native pepper, neem, neroli, nettles, noni, nut-grass, oak, oats, orange oil, ox-eye daisy, panax ginseng, pandan root, parsley, patchouli, peony, pepper, perilla, pipsissewa, plantain, pokeroot, portia root, prince’s plume, purslane, quassia, radish, raspberry, rau om, red ash, red clover, redcurrant, rhubarb, rice, ringworm shrub, river mint, rock samphire, rocket, rose, rosella, rosewood oil, rue, saariva, sacred bamboo, safflower, saffron, sage, salad burnet, salt, sandalwood, sarsaparilla, saw palmetto, schisandra, sensitive plant, sesame, shepherd’s purse, Siberian ginseng, sida-retusa, smartweed, snake gourd fruit, soapnut, soapwort, Solomon’s seal, sorrels, southernwood, soyabean, Spanish jasmine, speedwell, spelt wheat, spinach, squaw vine, star apple, stevia, suma, summer savory, sunflower, sweet cicely, sweet fruit root, sweet leaf, tamarind, tansy, teasel, terminalia, thyme, tormentil, tribulus, turmeric, upland cress, valerian, vanilla, vap ca, vegetable hummingbird tree, Vietnamese hot mint, vinegar, water plantain, watercress, wheat, white cedar, wild indigo, wild yam, willow, willow herb, winged spindle tree, wintergreen, witch hazel, woodruff, yerba mate & yucca

