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Ananas comosus native to the Caribbean island of Guadalupe, brought back to Europe in 1493. Pineapples are members of the bromeliad family, one of the few bromeliads to produce edible fruit. (The fruit in the photo I brought in from the garden this morning.)



adrenal atrophy; alkalising; angina; anti-cancer; anti-inflammatory; antioxidant; anti-parasitic; antiseptic; antiviral; arginine; arthritis; asthma inhibit; atherosclerosis; bites; blood cholesterol bad remove-circulation peripheral/clots improve topically-inhibit/pressure lower-vessel congestion; bone develop-strength; bowel irritable; brain tone; breathing ease; bromelain; bronchitis mucus; bruise; calcium; cancer adjuvant/inhibit breast-colon-lung-ovarian-skin; carbohydrates; catarrh; colds; colitis; collagen formation; constipation inhibit-pregnancy; copper; cough suppress; cuts; dental health/pain-recovery; detoxify; diabetic heart disease; diarrhea inhibit; dietary fibre; digestive; diphtheria; diuretic; dyspepsia; edema; energiser; expectorant; eye health; facial mask; fertility; fibrinolytic effect; free radical protectorant; gastric catarrh; gingivitis; glucosamine absorption; goitre regulate; gout; gum disease-heal-health-strength; hair health; heart disease-disorder-health; immune stimulant; indigestion children; infection; influenza; injury speed healing; intestinal bacteria; iodine; iron absorption; joint inflamed-pain; kidney stones inhibit; knee pain; ligament sprain; lignans; lupus; macular degeneration; magnesium; manganese; memory loss; menopause; menstrual pain; mental clarity; metabolic stimulant; mood enhance; morning sickness inhibit; motion sickness inhibit; muscle pain-sprain; nasal inflammation; nausea inhibit; nutrient metabolism; Osgood-Schlatter’s disease; osteoarthritis diet-pain; pain post-operative; phosphorus; platelet aggregation inhibit; pneumonia; post-operative healing; potassium; protein metabolism; proteolytic enzyme; respiratory infection-inflamed upper; rheumatics pain; scar tissue; serotonin; sinusitis chronic; skin complexion-dry-exfoliate-health-pollution protectorant; sodium; sports injury; stomach acid low-bacteria harmful; stroke inhibit; sulphur; swellings; tendonitis; throat infection-sore; thrombophlebitis inhibit; thrombosis inhibit; tissue growth-regenerate; trauma; tuberculosis; tumor cell growth inhibit; ulcer peptic; urinary infection; vermifuge; vitamins A; B1; B2; B3; B6; B9; C; E; warts; weight loss; wounds; wrinkles; zinc

Cautions of use

may increase effect of anti-thrombotic drugs ● some can be allergic ● avoid with blood thinners-hemophilia/kidney-liver diseases ● consume in moderation when taking beta-blockers ● caution with gastro-esophageal reflux disease ● extremely high amounts of bromelain can cause skin rashes-vomiting-diarrhea-excessive menstrual bleeding ● those taking antibiotics-anticoagulants-blood thinners-anticonvulsants-barbiturates-benzodiazepines-insomnia drugs-tricyclic antidepressants take care not to overeat ● unripe is toxic to humans-can cause severe diarrhea-vomiting

Applied use

fruit-stem is used ● best eaten raw between meals without other food for benefits ● root decoction for diarrhea ● bromelain content enhances glucosamine absorption up to 90% ● juice with garlic for children’s indigestion ● can be more beneficial than orange for colds due to bromelain content ● drink juice daily before dentist visit to ease pain-speed recovery ● fresh juice as anti-inflammatory in Osgood-Schlatter’s disease ● facial mask blend 1 cup pineapple-½ cup slightly green pawpaw-2 tbsp. honey-apply to clean face before bed for 5 minutes-rinse

