Daucus carota native to Europe and Western Asia. A root vegetable commonly orange in color, though black, purple, red, white and yellow varieties are grown. Historically carrots were grown for their leaf and seed in Europe 2000 to 3000 BC.
abscess; acid-alkaline balance; acidosis; acne scars; adenoid disorder; adrenal atrophy- function-support; Alzheimer’s; anemia; angina; anorexia; anti-aging; anti-cancer; anti-inflammatory; antioxidant; antiseptic; anti-stroke; appendicitis; arginine; arthritis; asthma; atherosclerosis inhibit; ADD; bladder infection-stones; blister; bloating; blood build/circulation-metabolism/balance-cleanse- poisoning/cholesterol-pressure lower/sugar balance; body build; bone build-develop-disease; boron; bowel disorder-children/regulate; brain health; bronchitis; calcium; calculus; cancer inhibit bladder-breast-cervix-colon-esophagus-larynx-lung-prostate; carbohydrates; carbuncles; cataract senile; cell growth-protectorant; colitis; colon infection; constipation inhibit; convalescence tonic-elderly; cough persistent; Crohn’s disease; cuts; dandruff; depurative; detoxify; diabetes inhibit-type 2; diaphoretic; diarrhea bacterial infants; dietary fibre; digestive cleanse-tone; diuretic; edema; emphysema; energiser; estrogenic mild; excretory system cleanse; eye circulation-disorder-dry-function-health-infection inhibit-sight; fat oxidation; fatigue; flatulence; free radicals reduce; gall disorder; gangrene; gland disorder; glaucoma inhibit; goitre; gout; gum disease; hair strength; headache; heart disease inhibit-disorder-rate regulate; hiccup; immune stimulant; indigestion; infection; influenza; intestinal infection; iron; jaundice neonatal; joint disorder; kidney cleanse-disease chronic-inflamed-stones-strength; lactation; leg circulation; libido; lignans; liver disorder-energy-tone; lung damage from smoking; macular degeneration; magnesium; manganese; measles; meningitis; menstrual cycle balance-pain-stimulant; metabolic stimulant; molybdenum; mouth infection; mumps; muscle build-health-pain; nail health; nerve health; nervine; nicotine detoxify; night vision; nutritive; obesity; osteoarthritis diet; osteoporosis; pectin; phosphorus; potassium; protein; psoriasis; rash; respiratory disorder-infection; rheumatism; scalp itch; silicon; sinus infection; skin disorder-eruptions-nourish; sodium; sores; starch; stimulant; stomach infection-tone; stress; system cleanser; teeth clean-development; tetanus inhibit; throat infection; tissue growth; tonsillitis; ulcer; uric acid dissolve; urinary difficult-infection-pain; vascular protectorant-strength; vermifuge; vitamins A; B1; B2; B3; B6; B9; C; E; K; weight loss; worms thread children; wounds
Cautions of Use
excess can yellow skin which is only temporary ● avoid seed when pregnant
Applied Use
regular drinking of juice-eaten raw is beneficial for all conditions mentioned giving positive boost to system ● soup is good for children with bowel disorder ● grate-cook as poultice to discourage infection-for abscess-blister-inflammation-wounds ● add 1 drop olive oil to juice to aid nutrient absorption ● mix juice with sea salt into paste to massage on acne-dry-rinse ● dab juice on pimples ● add essential oil to carrier oil ● drink juice in pregnancy to reduce neonatal jaundice risk ● chew seed for hiccup ● eat raw in morning for worms ● vitamin A content increases when cooked ● juice for circulation ● more benefit gained from juice than eaten whole-raw
Hi Nicoli,
Have you any information about carrot as a sunscreen? What mix would make a nice blend, if you could possibly share a recipe?
Also relating the bowel disorder and soup? Would whole veg juice have the same effect or is the boost of vitamin A once cooked a much better option?
Thanks in advance!
Hello Mel,
Sorry I have not researched any information on carrot as a sunscreen. If you find anything please let me know.