Viola odorata-sweet violet originated in Europe before the Romans.
An attractive plant with vibrantly colored flowers, also many benefits for health.
alimentary canal; alterative; anti-cancer; anti-inflammatory; antioxidant; antiseptic; anti-tussive; anxiety; arthritis; aspirin effect; asthma; AIDS; back pain; bladder disorder; blood cleanse-pressure lower; breast fibrocystic; bronchitis; bruise; cancer breast-colon-growths-lung-mouth-throat-tongue; catarrh; cathartic; chemical exposure; colds feverish; conjunctivitis; constipation; cooling; cramp; cysts; demulcent; detoxify; diaphoretic; digestive disorder; diuretic; ear infection; emetic; emollient; emphysema; epilepsy; expectorant; eye inflamed-strain; facial lotion; fever; fungicidal; gout; gum disease; hair rinse; hangover; headache; heart depressant; herpes; hoarseness; immune strength; insomnia; jaundice; joint swelling; kidney disease-strength; laxative children; lip balm; liver strength-tonic; lung disease; mastitis; metabolic stimulant; motor depressant; mouth infection; mucilage; muscle sprain; nail stimulant; nausea; nerve disorder; nervine; nightmares; nutritive; pain; palmitic acid; piles; pleurisy; rectal prolapse; relaxant; reproductive organ stimulant; respiratory catarrh-congestion-disease-disorder; restlessness; rheumatism; sedative; sinus; skin chapped-cleanse-disease-disorder-itch; spleen disorder; strewing herb; sunstroke; swellings; throat infection-inflamed severe-lubricant-sore; thyroid; tonsillitis; trauma; ulcer mouth; urinary disorder-infection; uterine prolapse; vertigo; vitamins A; C; wounds
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