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About the Author


I’d say my interest in plants started when  I was a toddler in my Auntie’s garden. Long ago I realised that I’m the fairy at the bottom of the garden; and it’s a lot of work.

My passion for plants took the folk lore side of things when my mother died of five independent cancers. She knew there were plants out there that could have eased her life – where and how to find them she never knew.

By the time I purchased my first kalathumpian desktop computer I started gathering all my notes together, started copy and pasting much information to many people. ‘Book’ was suggested to me. Huh!!! There you have it, where the reference book ‘For what heals…naturally came from.

Many have benefited from the information within, information is worthless unless shared. Hence my blog page, a forum where everyone can contribute.



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