TONIC balance-tone-strengthen overall body function:
The other day I was asked what could be taken as a tonic. A question too hard to answer in one word as there are so many plants that can be added to ones …
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TONIC balance-tone-strengthen overall body function:
The other day I was asked what could be taken as a tonic. A question too hard to answer in one word as there are so many plants that can be added to ones …
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Native to America, one of nine of a genus of flowering plants of the daisy family mostly grown in open wooded areas and prairies. It is also known as the purple coneflower.
abscess; …
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BEETROOT Beta vulgaris has been cultivated for about 4,000 years. Considered to be a panacea for just about all ills, certainly something to be eaten every day.
acidosis; adrenal atrophy-health; alkalising; anemia children-pregnancy/sickle-cell; anti-cancer; anti-inflammatory; …
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Tanacetum parthenium is a plant honoured since the ancient Greeks. I felt rather privileged this morning to have feverfew in flower through my garden, a plant of many happy faces.