TONIC balance-tone-strengthen overall body function:
The other day I was asked what could be taken as a tonic. A question too hard to answer in one word as there are so many plants that can be added to ones …
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TONIC balance-tone-strengthen overall body function:
The other day I was asked what could be taken as a tonic. A question too hard to answer in one word as there are so many plants that can be added to ones …
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BEETROOT Beta vulgaris has been cultivated for about 4,000 years. Considered to be a panacea for just about all ills, certainly something to be eaten every day.
acidosis; adrenal atrophy-health; alkalising; anemia children-pregnancy/sickle-cell; anti-cancer; anti-inflammatory; …
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Lycopersicon esculentum originally native to the western side of the South Americas, Spanish explorers brought seed to Europe in the 1500’s.
adrenal atrophy-function; alkalising; allergy food; alzheimer’s inhibit; antibiotic; anti-cancer; anti-fatigue; anti-inflammatory; antioxidant; antiseptic; aphrodisiac; arginine; arteriosclerosis …
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Camellia sinensis Southeast Asian native. The Chinese people were aware of medical benefits of green tea more than 4,700 years ago. In regions with dubious drinking water tea has been drunk.
age spots; alcohol-counteract liver damage; …
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